Project Definition & Scope

company name ELEONOR
company description women's jewelry
needs website

knowing more about company

short brief about company Eleonor is a modern, fashion-forward line of women's jewelry our company found in UAE 2012 we sell our product local and and we append in 2015 with over 8 store around world with pandemic we switch to sell online
Who is the Product For? the target is women between age 25 35
Why does the Product Add Value? collections are designed to be versatile and timeless. From earrings and necklaces to bracelets and rings that make of all product came form same brand and add more felling uniqueness
What basic features does the product offer? offering the best possible customer experience, from the moment you begin shopping with us to long after you've received your purchase.

problem Statement

we need website can make our business better to our customer our old method to be online its to post in social media pages or another seller online

who ? affected with problem

with no website to company to can purchase our products we know the website is very important to any company but we know it was mistake but our budget in that time not enough

what ? problem

we need to sell more and expand our company globe and for customer to reaching our product any were for that we need website to solve that problems and to make our brand standout with other coemption

Why? s this important

solve thee problems and to make our brand standout with other coemption

Understanding the Problem

User personas

Desktop - 1.png

User journey maps